Purely Personal Marketing

Oct 9, 20193 min


Updated: Jan 13, 2021

When it comes to social media there are a ton of headlines and reports suggesting that the use of social media is bad for our mental wellbeing. There is specific research backing up these claims and for some people, these claims might be true.
However, before committing an act of bravery and deleting all your social media accounts, we want to put to you some suggestions of ways that your social media use could increase happiness and have a positive impact on your wellbeing (hurrah!), albeit it is contrary to popular belief.

It isn’t what you use, its HOW you use it.

For example, obsessively following your partners' exes on Facebook is not a healthy or positive way to use social media and comparing yourself to others online is going to inevitably lead to feelings of low self-esteem and anxiety. But, believe it or not, social media is a great way to connect with people you like and care about and used in the right way it can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

So, how?

Do you find yourself on autopilot, scrolling through feeds of random people occasionally liking the odd pic of someone's Sunday roast? This zombie-like type of engagement isn't likely to benefit you in any way (but it will make you crave a roast dinner). Next time you log onto your social media app, have a purpose in mind. Share a funny photo or information that others might find interesting. Message the people you know but don’t often speak to, strike up a conversation that can offer you a positive experience. Ensure that any pages you follow are relevant to you and your life and post content that makes you smile. You can surround yourself with like-minded people on a virtual scale, and that has to be a good thing, right? If you want to push the boat out, you can join in with hashtag challenges that aim to promote positive feelings, for example posting a photo of something that makes you happy every day for 10 days with no explanation.

Weed your social garden

As you spend time on social media, pay attention to the content that makes you feel anxious or sad and unfollow anything or anyone that is having that effect. Facebook offers you the choice to unfollow a person without removing them as a friend entirely so that means you won’t see their posts on your feed, but you don’t have to make things awkward by deleting them entirely. Make sure you only follow accounts that are positive and encouraging.
Build yourself a support network
Staying connected with relatives and friends has never been easier than with the use of social media. There are also groups on Facebook that are to support like-minded people or people who share difficulties. There are groups for new mums, groups for people with different illnesses or medical conditions, those in the same professions and so the list goes on. Those are the groups where support can come from complete strangers at a time or in a place where it would not otherwise exist. A new mum can find a safe place to vent at 4 am when her baby isn’t settling during the night feed. A person with a gluten allergy can get recommendations for somewhere with a good GF menu within minutes of asking, whilst walking down the highstreet, from people in the same boat. That access to support just didn’t exist before social media. Many people take to social media when they feel down and often the response is with emotional support from people they are connected with online. Some accounts exist with the sole purpose of breeding positivity or humour and they post daily affirmations, relevant information and interesting topics that can brighten your day even if just for 30 seconds.

Keep it real

Remember that most people using social media only tend to post a positive part of their day. This can make it seem like your own life are boring, dull or that you are simply not as happy as someone else. It is important to remember that not everything someone is going through is posted on social media and that they might not give an accurate account of what that trip to the zoo with the kids was really like. Look back through your photos on social media and enjoy the memories of when they were taken. Social media can be like a journal of your life in pictures.

Most importantly, like wine, chocolate and shopping for shoes (…or is that just us?), everything is better in moderation. Happy scrolling from PPM

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